Hello, World!

Fitting that the first entry when one starts a new WordPress blog is already titled, “Hello, World”. On September 20, 2010, little Nyana Rose  said hello to this world in a big way. Not due until December 17th, she decided that she was ready to see what this world was all about, and shortly after seven o’clock in the morning, at only 27 weeks gestation, she surprised us with the most beautiful face and the tiniest of cries.

Her arrival so early was not completely unexpected; her Dad and I had had almost a month to prepare for the prospect of an early delivery. But expecting a premature child and welcoming one are two entirely different things, and the welcoming of a preemie is an experience that I don’t think anyone can adequately prepare for, no matter how much advance warning they are given.

Don and I have spent the past four days drinking her in without holding her; watching her sleep, watching her breathe. I think I’ve used the word “amazing” more times in the past 72 hours than I’ve ever used in my entire lifetime. We’re hearing scary words, like spinal tap and meningitis, and learning new phrases, like CPAP and phototherapy. And through it all we’re realizing a thing or two about unconditional love—how quickly it hits, how deep it runs, how much a part of your soul it becomes.

About Mrs. B

Wife, mother, marketer--not always in that order. Lover of fine food, good company, and exceptional grammar. Mother of one former micro-preemie and one full-term monster baby. Building childhood memories in Vancouver's suburbs.
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2 Responses to Hello, World!

  1. Gran says:

    Hi Karen,
    we were so thrilled to see the picture of you holding little Nyana! No doubt though not as thrilled as you. Thanks for keeping us up to date and look forward to seeing more.
    Love to you all

    • Bubs says:

      Hi Karen,

      I just wanted to tell you how much Gran and I look forward to your commentary. The first thing I do after having breakfast each morning is to open your website and see what wonderful changes have transpired in our gorgeous great granddaughter. And when we see she has gained some weight, grown a millimetre, grasped your ring, cuddled on both your chests and all the other accomplishments in transfering from a preemie to a normal baby. I’m still looking forward to the day when her eyes are fully open long enough that I can get a photograph to prove to all my friends that she is such a beautiful baby as I’ve been saying all along. Thanks again Karen and Don for keeping us all up to date.

      Love to you all,


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