Praise You

I have to tell you, we know you’re out there.

We have some idea of how many of you there are each day, and sometimes we can see how you got here. We know who our subscribers are, and can access all your messages at our fingertips. Sometimes you may be one pyjama’d person logging on before you start your day, sometimes you’re a group of people just looking for new pictures. A bunch of you guys check us out while you’re at work and a bunch of you guys see this right before bedtime. Some of you have seen it with one or both of us at your side, some of you have never met either of us in person at all. And there’s a handful of you that have no idea what we even sound like! Whoever you are, you came here today and you’re reading this now and we must let you know that to us – Mom and Dad – you are an army.

On average, three hundred and forty seven of you visit daily, over the past week. Our highest traffic day ever was a dead-even five hundred hits. You tune in and watch along with us, taking all the ups and downs that we can share. And you all keep coming for the same reason. We’ve all had some tears and laughs along the way and sometimes the bad days get more attention than the good days, so tonight I’d like to balance the scales a bit.

You all mean a great deal to the Bracketts, and we’d like you to know that all of your support helps keep us up on the down days when we need it most. Even just knowing that you all care enough to come by and see What We Made is a powerful thing – there’s like, hundreds of you out there. Daily! Crazy. So here’s a little thank-you, a little eye candy for all the fans. As of tonight, Nyana is doing great. I had a little snuggle with her this evening and she’s just the best thing ever. And getting some size, too – over four pounds and rocking it. So here you go, here are some of my favourite pics of the week.

Ooh! That's a big baby!! (incidentally, there could have been a cake, pie, or something else equally delicious that would have gotten the same shot - but baby works)

Hi Five!

The next two are great for that total perspective check. While she is packing on some weight like a good Chub-chub, she’s still a handheld model…this is what a four pound princess looks like.

Big Baby 1

Big Baby 2

Mum's got the soft touch

Nyana gets all tucked up, it totally calms her down. Big shoutout to DJ Thundercat and CHRW!

Bed 4 on Halloween

She loves the hand-behind-the-head pose. Every time I see this picture I think the red tape on her feed-tube is a bow in her hair. Seems her first teddy bear is a pair of fingers...

And now, a final cherry on the top of the Nyana Sundae: two minutes in Nyanaland, we hope you enjoy.

About Donners

Thirtysomething father to The Royal Princess of The Sunshine Brigade, a 27 week preemie who survived 222 days in the NICU. The Queen and I are still crazy in love, and life in Vancouver's West End is getting back to a whole new normal that we've always been waiting for but never knew we would get quite like this.
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10 Responses to Praise You

  1. Lynn Duncan says:

    She just grabs right on.. to your finger, and your heart, hmm?

    Taking some Nyana time before I go work on our election for many hours today.

    Four pounds is super. Hope the day goes very well.

  2. Juju says:

    Oh, you shameless … parents, you! After all those beautiful photos of Chub-chub, you add a video onto the end!! That was just darling how she immediately goes to sleep.

    What a difference a couple pounds makes in size! And then you put your hand in for perspective, lol.

    Well, this Nyana’s Army warrior has had her morning fix. I want you to gain 500 grams today Nyana Rose and be a very good girl.


  3. Danielle Foster says:

    I don’t think I’ve commented yet but I do read everyday.
    I’m blown away by the growth she shows since she first came into this world. Your small little bean is growing so nicely and she is so beautiful.
    My fingers are crossed for you guys and I think of you daily. xo!

  4. Charlene Bisson says:

    I cannot get over how beautiful she is! I could sit and watch video’s of her all day. I read your posts all the time and am so happy to hear that she is doing better and continuing to gain weight. Hopefully I get the chance to meet her once you are all home from the hospital.

    I think of you all often and am here if you ever need anything.

    Take Care! xo

  5. Tasha says:

    She is looking SO fabulous! I think I even spot some hints of some rolls in her arms in some of the shots! So exciting to see!

  6. Heather Mullen says:

    Pop in for visits almost daily. She is doing amazing, and your posts are great to read. Watching your third trimester in front of your eyes!

    Heather from Winter Babies

  7. Stacey & Lucy says:

    We love you Nyana Rose!! You are doing GREAT!!

  8. Angela says:

    I love checking in to see how everyone is doing! I still find it a little crazy to think of Don as a dad…..but it is a little crazy to think of me as a mom!
    I am so behind on posts that I haven’t even finished reading the start of Nyana’s story….I just noticed on the board that she was born on Sept 20th which is my sister’s birthday! She will be a princess 🙂

  9. Sheryl says:

    I don’t think I have commented as of yet, but I’m here faithfully every morning!!! As a Mom who had 2 babies in the NICU, I know the feelings that go along with it and what you all are going through. I’m expecting #3 and also expect that he/she will be spending some time in there as well.

    Nyana is doing fantastic and I love reading about her every day. She’s changed so much already. She’s such a beautiful little girl and my day wouldn’t be complete without my Nyana update 🙂

  10. Olivia says:

    Nyana Army Warrior #247 reporting for duty! (haha)

    Love the new pictures…..and I love Don’s face in the second one, LOL.

    Yay, four pounds! 🙂

    – Olivia

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