Sit Down, And Grab Some Egg Nog

I hate not having her here. It’s quiet and I feel like we’re missing something big – like the front door…or the bathtub. Something big and important that you need to have there and it would just be weird and wrong to not have it there if it were suddenly gone.

We get our front door back on tomorrow. Or today, by the time most of you read this.

At this point it’s a pretty sure bet, although I suppose we can’t discount the possibility of an eleventh-hour crisis of some imaginable sort, but…really? No. She’s done really well this week, and is pretty much back to her regular self now. She’s making lots of noises and moving around as much as her cords and her crib will allow, and at this point we’ve weaned her settings back to where they were before she got sick. She’s still isolated and under observation, but that’s just for the window view and the VIP service at this point. By the time most of you read these words, she’ll be home where she belongs and we’ll be taking it easy and just keeping her under observation.

The full extent of any lasting damage has yet to be determined, but Dr. Dee was actually pretty glad to see how Nyana reacts in a situation like this – it’s a good indication of her overall health – and Nyana did exceptionally well. Like, gold stars and stuff. Her bounce-back time was first class, and she was able to get through the worst without being intubated which is apparently a pretty big accomplishment for a girl with a hose for a nose. So we’re proud of her, the Dr.s are proud of her, even…Santa…is proud of her. Not only did he orchestrate her homeday to be Christmas Eve, but he has also agreed to a one-time special Christmas Exception, for Nyana – this year only.

Mrs B and I know Mrs. Claus from way back and let’s just say she agreed to do us a solid, got her old man hooked up and sold it for us. In the end, even the Fat Man In Red agreed that since Nyana missed out on the best parts of Christmas – the decorations going up, the tree, the lights, the presents, the sparkles – he would have to come visit her only after she’s had the chance to fully enjoy all of it (like all of us, he has become quite smitten with her and wants to help in any way he can). The thing is, considering some recent major changes Nyanaland, the best time to  reschedule Christmas isn’t until mid-February, right around Valentine’s Day. Yeah, we know it’s a ways off, there’s an explanation…wait for it. And so, on Saturday, February 11, 2012… Christmastimes Day will be born.

As of right now, we have zero decorations up, we’ve been too busy. Between work and the hospital, we haven’t done a thing. The place looks just like it did three months ago, you’d never know that it’s Christmas Eve tomorrow – this works perfectly with our plan. For indeed, Christmastimes Eve is still what, six weeks away? No stress, we’ve got time. Since I already started shopping before we rescheduled, I am now already weeks ahead of my Christmastimes Day shopping schedule – and there’s a big sale coming up. At the beginning of February, we’ll put up some lights and tinsel and stockings and a tree. We’ll put presents under it (including the ones that have already been graciously sent to us that were perfectly in time for Christmas but will not be opened until Christmastimes) and we’ll decorate the front door and make our neighbours ask awkward questions. We’ll send out some Christmastimes cards and maybe even make some Christmastimes cookies. There will be a turkey in February and we will serve it with whoever can fit in our apartment, or whoever is closest to us at that time. The whole idea is to share this magical time of year with the one little girl who can appreciate it the most, and anything less isn’t good enough.

Now, you’ve been patient. You’ll be rewarded, I know you’ve been wondering. Why are we waiting until February to have Christmastimes Day? Well, silly, Karen’s new job pays monthly, with her first pay coming at the end of January. That gives us a week or so to pick up the last few items, and stock the stockings and then BAM! Christmastimes Day, mid-Feb.

Yes you read that right.

Karen has a new job. Say it again if you have to. Karen has a new job. Now, you may (insert random acts of glee here). Let’s just say it’s a great opportunity that couldn’t be missed, and the entire Sunshine Brigade is elated with joy for their beloved Queen. Beginning in January, Mrs B is back to work. Let me give you a minute to add some things up here. What does that mean for Nyana…who looks after her…are the nurses enough…can she? no, she can’t be in daycare with bipap…how does she…(cue music)…(big swell, enter -) Stay At Home Dad!!! Yes, come January (that’s next week) I will be the one staying at home with Ny while Karen goes off to work. That means I gave my notice and left my job. I left. My job. Things will be a little different in 2012, everyone will be facing some new challenges, and we’re all pretty excited over here. The new opportunities that are now open to us are huge and the next year is set up to be a game-changer. To say we’re excited is an understatement.

So while we won’t be celebrating our holidays until a few weeks from now, we still realize that all of you are celebrating this weekend. So, from the entire Sunshine Brigade, we would be honoured to wish you a very Merry Christmas or a very Happy Hannukah, or if you have another celebration that you observe at this time of year, please have yourself a joyous one. You have all been a large, wonderful part of our lives this past year, and we wish you all the best in the year ahead. May peace and prosperity fill your halls, and long may your big jib draw. Here’s another small selection of photos to tide you over through the holidays – and yes, we did get new phones and all of the pics from the last two posts have been taken with them. Cheers!

I got this as a hello pic one day at work. These things make my day.

Love this shot, she almost looks drunk on love for that suck-a-duck. Total half-blink shot, but a gem nontheless.

Innocently enough, we were playing dressup. Came out looking like a creepy baby horror movie though...

Even in the hospital, remote controls are delicious.

Totally captivated by in-room cable. Yup, she's a Brackett.

Just playing around with filters now. But holy crap lookit those eyes. I don't believe it and I see them every day!

chompin on her satprobes




About Donners

Thirtysomething father to The Royal Princess of The Sunshine Brigade, a 27 week preemie who survived 222 days in the NICU. The Queen and I are still crazy in love, and life in Vancouver's West End is getting back to a whole new normal that we've always been waiting for but never knew we would get quite like this.
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9 Responses to Sit Down, And Grab Some Egg Nog

  1. Twiggy says:

    Wow, you guys are awesome! Merry Christmas whenever and however you celebrate!!

  2. Stacey Feehan says:

    Merry Christmas to you! I didn’t realize the roles were shifting soon–anxious to hear about the new job. So glad you will get the best Christmas gift delivered home today. (Christmastimes day is a fabulous idea, btw.)

  3. Tasha2 says:

    Fantastic news! It’s a Christmas miracle!! On multiple fronts! Been dying to hear the news, but getting it right now is awesome. So glad Nyana pulled through like a rock star & congrats on the job front, sure little princess will love having you home! 🙂

  4. Dorothy Gillies says:

    Dear Nyana, Karen and Don – wow, when you folks make changes, you dont skimp!! New time for Christmas, New job for Karen , Different job for Don!!!
    Merry Christmas to all of you, now and in February – and best wishes to all of you for success and good health. Loved all the pictures – glad to see her feeling better.
    Grandma Anne is coming over today to share our turkey – it is cooking now.
    Love Duncan & Dorothy

  5. Anne Brackett says:

    Don, Karen and Nyana–Wishing you all the best in your new..Don your job as Mr Mom, Karen your job out of the house and Nyana you just enjoy it all..Keep the pictures coming they are great and beautiful to look at.
    Love from Mom and Grandma

  6. Can I give her a big hug and eat her up. I am now smitten with her and I will put in a good word with Mrs. Claus for her.

  7. Olivia ♡ says:

    Eeeeeeee!!!! I love her!!!

    And btw, your Christmastimes is my 21st birthday 😉 must be fate! ❤

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