G-Tube Eve

Talks with RN Awesome

Nyana has a one-on-one with her favourite Nurse Awesome.

It’s less than twelve hours before Nyana’s surgery, and I have yet to go to bed. It’s not that I’m up worrying about it—to be honest, I’m not too nervous about the procedure itself at all. I’m more nervous and hung up on what g-tube surgery means for the next twelve, 18 months of our lives, and stuck on the “what-if’s” of if and when things go wrong.

Don and I are confident that we’re making the right decision and we’re humbled and overwhelmed by the love and support that all of you have shown us leading up to her big day. We’d be honoured if you’d leave her a comment today and wish her luck.

Thanks again to all of you for cheering the three of us on.

About Mrs. B

Wife, mother, marketer--not always in that order. Lover of fine food, good company, and exceptional grammar. Mother of one former micro-preemie and one full-term monster baby. Building childhood memories in Vancouver's suburbs.
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36 Responses to G-Tube Eve

  1. Diane says:

    Sending positive thoughts that the surgery goes well. I think of it as the next step on her journey to be home with Mum & Dad. Good luck, Nyana. Hugs for Mum & Dad.
    You are an amazing family. Keep us posted. ♥♥♥

    PS A member of my family has had a lot of experience being the mother of an infant and then a toddler with a G tube (tubbie as they call it) including some of the ups & downs you mentioned. She got a lot information and support (some from online communites) from families in similar situations. I’m sure she would recommend some resources if you are interested. She has become very well informed and skilled at advocating for and caring for her daughter – just as you have for Nyana. I know you have great doctors and nurses, but if you feel information from another mother would be helpful let me know (via FB or my email) and I’ll contact her.
    Diane aka Citruscitygal

  2. Holly says:

    God Bless, Nyana. Hope you breeze through the surgery and tolerate the g-tube well. Much love, babygirl xx

  3. Mike says:

    Good luck Nyana! All things considered…this will be a walk in the park….

  4. SarahD says:

    Sending lots of love and hugs your way. ❤

  5. Gianna says:

    Good luck baby girl – oooooxxxxx

  6. Tasha says:

    Good luck Ny, though I don’t think you’ll need it because you are so super strong!

    p.s. – how great is that picture? You can tell just how awesome Nurse Awesome is.

  7. Crystal Berthelette says:

    Good luck Nyana! We’re all rooting for you!

  8. Kim says:

    Love you bunches Baby Girl… you’ll fly through all this!!
    Much love
    Auntie Kim

  9. Jenn says:

    Good luck Nyana!!! I’ll be praying for you and your Mom and Dad throughout the day!

  10. robyn says:

    thinking of you today baby ny! sending your mommy and daddy hope, courage and love. and healing to you sweet girly ❤

  11. Chantal says:

    Good luck you sweet little girl! Your mommy and daddy can’t wait to get you home – they love you so much!

    P.S. I agree with Tasha – LOVE the picture!

  12. Juju says:

    Prayers coming for Nyana today from just south of the border.

  13. mommydoescrafts says:

    Thinking about you today, Nyana. Read your birth story again.
    You are a beautiful miracle of love!

  14. Shannon says:

    Dear Nyana,
    My mommy is typing this for me because I fell asleep. I just wanted to wish you lots of luck today. My mommy tells me this will make you feel better so that you can get home sooner to your mum and dad and kitties. I have to tell you, home is a lot of fun. I hope you get there soon so we can meet up along this seawall we both keep hearing about – I haven’t been there yet either.
    Lots of love and luck,
    your friend Andre (and his mommy Shannon)

  15. Jenny says:

    I know you’re tired of being strong, and tired of being remarkable–this goes for both you, Ny, and your awesome parents. But the thing is… you are strong. You are remarkable. And I’m so proud of all three of you that it brings tears to my eyes.

    So get out your calendar, because I’m going to book a playdate for you, the Frog, and the Monkey. So what if the date’s unspecified right now–we’re used to being on your time. We’ll go out in the sunshine, and the fresh air–you’ll love it–and you and the aliens will get filthy dirty like little piglet children, and run your parents ragged. You just keep rocking on in Nyana time, and when you’re ready, we’ll be there. Promise.

    Love you all so much.

  16. Max's Mum says:

    We’re all thinking of you today, Nyana! You’ll do great. Max warmly welcomes you to the g-tube club. 🙂 One step closer to home!

  17. Crystal M says:

    Good luck today, Nyana! Will be thinking of you all today!

  18. Tamara says:

    Nyana you really are such a beautiful, shining light. I’m sure you’ll tackle this, just like you have so many other things so far, like a rockstar!

    Wishing you the very best for an uneventful and smooth surgery!

  19. Olivia ♡ says:

    We love you, Nyana! Good luck today!! — not that you’ll need it….show that g-tube who’s boss! 😉

    Love, Olivia, Caleb and Noah 🙂 ❤

  20. Whittney says:

    Praying for a successful surgery and recovery! Along with Peace and Joy! ❤

  21. Diana says:

    Show them what you’re made of, sweetie!

  22. Aimiee says:

    Nyana today you will show everyone just how amazing you are! Sending lots of prayers and positive vibes to you and your mommy & Daddy.

  23. Lynn Duncan says:


    I know you will handle this procedure like the Princess Champion you are!

    Remember to smile lots when your mum and dad get to see you before and after, because that will make them really happy.

    Lots of us will be waiting to hear how you are doing.

    Just think, one more step on the way to going home!

    I agree, Nurse Awesome does look awesome!

  24. Stacey Feehan says:

    I’m late getting here today. Been thinking about you all morning. I know you’ll rock the surgery. Looking forward to hearing from your mum and dad to hear how things went. Hugs from Iowa.

  25. Debra says:

    I continue to say prayers and light candles for Nyana.

    I am also late in getting here. I am hoping it is all done and everything went great.


  26. Jackie (jmm) says:

    Healthy thoughts and prayers for you. I can’t wait to hear how awesome you did.

  27. Brittni says:

    Good Luck Nyana. ❤

  28. Also, a big good luck to the parents. Staying strong throughout this whole journey is incredible. You guys are definitely an inspiration!

  29. lmnyoung says:

    Go Nyana Go Go Nyana! Thinking of you all today!! We are sure you will make us see how amazing you are again:)

  30. Linda says:

    Lots of warm fuzzies and much, much love are sent your way, Nyana. I have been thinking about you all morning and have waited to write this until I knew you would be undergoing the operation ~ the fuzzies will keep you happy and strong and the love will keep you warm.
    Love you Ladybug,

  31. Cyn Tyler says:

    My thoughts and prayers are with Nyana and your beautiful family today. Much love and may God bless.

  32. Janice Taylor says:

    Good luck Nyana! We love you and we know you will do great. We are all pulling for you and wishing you good thoughts today and always. And so does your friend Ben:)

  33. Duncan & Dorothy Gillies says:

    Hello Don, Karen and especially Nyana
    Here in the east (Florida), it is now after 1pm your time and by now all will be successfully accomplished – what with all the prayers and positive vibes coming your way!! Looking forward to reading an update.
    Love from Duncan & Dorothy

  34. Michelle says:

    Good Luck, Nyana! I know you don’t need it, but our thoughts and prayers are with you today 🙂

  35. Margie King/mak1 says:

    Well, I am late posting on this site, but you have all been on my mind all day. The prayers and good wishes will be continuing through Thursday, of course.

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