As Seen On Facebook

They say misery is a muse. If I didn’t believe it before Nyana was born, I certainly believe it now. I was shocked when I logged in tonight to see that the Sunshine Brigade has been missing in action since you all celebrated Christmas! Don’t get me wrong—I love when no news is good news—but I miss sharing our perfect little lady with the world.

It’s been busy in Nyanaland as of late. We brought her home from the PICU on Christmas Eve as planned, and had an eerily quiet day on the 25th as the world celebrated the holiday without us. We didn’t hang our stockings, we didn’t open presents, we didn’t gorge ourselves on turkey and overimbibe just a little. It was just an ordinary day while everyone we knew enjoyed the biggest day of the year, and Don and I almost felt lucky that we’d managed to enjoy an entire Christmas day stress-free. The rest of the winter break rolled on by with Don practising his skills at being sole caregiver and I sat on the sidelines watching, practising letting go.

I’ve been back at work for three weeks now and loving every minute of it. Don is settling in nicely to his stay-at-home-Dad role and we’re test driving alternative titles for him. Don is leaning towards a variation of Hausband, while I’m thinking more along the lines of Manservant. For now we’ll just go with Director of Family Operations.

But in all of our busyness we’re sad to see the blog neglected as it has been. We have so many things we want to share with you all, like how she’s so close to walking now, or how she calls the cat a Gak! every time she sees her, or how she’s learned to hold her play cellphone to her ear and chatter up a storm. But these tiny snippets of awesome aren’t fit for a blog post, and as Nyana grows up and grows out of the tiny preemie she was, this blog is becoming less and less the vehicle for telling her story. So with these considerations in mind, the Sunshine Brigade has taken up residence on Facebook. Become a fan to keep tabs on What We Made—updated daily with pictures and videos and anecdotes of everyone’s favourite preemie. We’re not abandoning this blog, but we don’t want to abandon you, either. Like us on Facebook to stay up to date on the day-to-day goings-on in our world, and if you haven’t already, subscribe via email to the blog so you don’t have to keep checking back for updates.

LIKE the Sunshine Brigade on Facebook!

LIKE the Sunshine Brigade on Facebook!

PS: Stay tuned for a holiday update—there are only 19 shopping days until Christmastimes Day! We put up the decorations today and next week we’ll put up the tree.

About Mrs. B

Wife, mother, marketer--not always in that order. Lover of fine food, good company, and exceptional grammar. Mother of one former micro-preemie and one full-term monster baby. Building childhood memories in Vancouver's suburbs.
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5 Responses to As Seen On Facebook

  1. Sounds like Christmastime Day will be quite exciting.. especially for the Gak!

    Not on Facebook, but will read anything here with interest.

  2. Twiggy says:

    I don’t really use FB, either. I’ll try to poke over there for Ny, though.

  3. Jackie (jmm) says:

    I was just loving that in Nyanaland “no news is good news”. Glad that you all are doing so well and I’ll look for you on Facebook. Hugs to you all.

  4. Linda says:

    With all that is going on in your lives right now – new jobs for both you and Don and new adventures for Nyana, it only makes sense to transfer the Sunshine Brigade blog over to Facebook. Your lives are incredibly busy and any extra free time you can get by not having to write a lengthy blog is better spent on Little Miss and some much needed down time for you and Don. After all, we are still going to be a part of The Brackett family, just in a different format. Change can be good!!

  5. Sue Curtice says:

    I’ve been wondering & wondering what has been going on and I’m happy you made a fan page because I truly want to know what’s going on in NyanaLand!! I admit I paniced a bit when I found somehow we were unfriended and my “fear” was that if the blog waivered then I’d miss seeing how Ny is growing and how she’s doing. So I will see you on the fan page. 😉

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